Tell Me About Your Experience Thank you for stopping by to leave a review - Please be as Honest and Expressive as you like ! Name First Name Last Name Email What Kind of Event did We share Together ? Wedding Festival Private Event Local Venue How did you like the Overall vibe of the event ? – Did you feel the guests enjoyed the energy? How did you Like The Music Selection ? – Did it cover enough of your personal requests? Did you enjoy the DJ’s picks ? Was the DJ/Booth Visually/Aesthetically Pleasing to you ? Was the Sound Level & Quality to your Taste & Enjoyment ? How did you like the MC’s Announcements & Commentary? How did you like the DJ’s Personality when you interacted with him ? Would you Book the DJ again? Yes No Maybe Would you recommend DJ Carma to your friends & associates? Yes No Maybe Do you know of any friends or colleagues who need a DJ this year? Yes No Feel free to Leave their Contacts below ! First Name Last Name Email Thank you for entrusting me with your events Soundscape - Is their any Personal Message you would like to leave me ? Feel free to do it here ! Thank you so much for Leaving a Review !